Occasionally after a successful child theme demo import the Footer doesn't display, rendering a white bar across the bottom of your webpages.

For most cases this issue can be resolved following these steps:

1. In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Divi > Divi Library > Edit "5 Star Footer" > Click the hamburger icon for the Column.

2. Navigate to the "Advanced" tab > Ensure "main-footer" is in the CSS ID field > Save & Exit.

3. While on the 5 Star Footer page, copy the Post ID # in the URL & paste it somewhere safe. In this example it's "212". Click the "Update" button & exit the page.

4. In the WordPress dashboard navigate to Appearance > Editor > click "Theme Footer" under Theme Files on the right-hand column.

5. Paste the number you copied earlier [Post ID #] into the quotations highlighted in the image above. For this example it's [et_pb_section global_module="138"]. Once complete, click "Update File".

You can now refresh your website & it should display the Footer on all pages. If for some reason it doesn't, try clearing your cache & hard-refreshing your browser by holding the "Shift" key while reloading the page.